The Makata Living Yoga School was co-founded in 2011 with Jamine Ackert.
Whether you are new to yoga or a teacher looking to deepen your studies, the Living Yoga courses have something to offer. Each course is available for anyone interested in the subject of yoga and also can be applied towards a teacher’s certificate at the 200 and 500hr level, when and if you feel compelled to go that direction.
The aim of the MLY School is to provide the opportunity for folks to have access to the teachings of yoga without having to make the commitment of being a yoga teacher, as well as to offer yoga teachers the chance to deepen their studies. It’s a pay-as-you-go method that affords ease and convenience.
It’s a grass-roots approach; small groups, traditional teachings applied to modern circumstances. We look at life and how to walk in it with ease.
The principle teachers are Jamine Ackert and Kat Mills who, together have decades of experience with both the subject matter and working with groups. There are also other excellent, qualified teachers who are part of the team. It’s very exciting.
Courses are ongoing. Please contact Kat directly for info.